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Software Developer with proficiency in designing, developing and delivering top engineering solutions. Showcasing great ownership with the deliveries and maintaining valuable relationships with the shareholders.

Served as a SME on creating the Future State Architecture that focused on transforming several legacy systems into micro-services as a scope of meeting the product goal.

Not coming from the CSE background I took every day of my career to learn and become good in various technologies I have been given the opportunity to work on with.

Project Details

GoldenEye (Front Office Data Store):

(January 2018 - Present)

Started as a POC and now converted to a full funded project, this project focuses on building cloud native, fault tolerant and highly scalable platform using Java based microservices in order to build strategic trade store for Fixed Income and BSM business within Global Banking and Markets. As a part of Future State Architecture this project also focuses on creating an in-house trade booking platform, hence demising a plethora of legacy systems used to book trades for this business.

Technology Used

  • Java 8/11
  • gRPC
  • JMS (ActiveMQ, IBM MQ, Solace)
  • Rest APIs
  • Vert.x
  • ELK
  • Shell Scripting
  • Rundeck
  • Gradle
  • MongoDB
  • Jenkins

Migrating monitoring platform from ELK to Grafana:

(November 2021 - January 2022)

Worked on migrating our monitoring platform from ELK to Grafana-Loki-Promethues based platform to ensure smooth transition of our monitoring to Kubernetes preferred stack. This task has helped me explore the difference between various monitoring platform.

Technology Used

  • Elasticsearch
  • Kibana
  • Logstash
  • Beats (filebeat, heartbeat, metricbeat)
  • Grafana
  • Prometheus
  • Loki
  • Promtail
  • Exporters (Process exporter, Node Exporter)
  • PostgreSQL
  • Cassandra

CR-Minion (CR Automation Tool):

(January 2020 - Present)

Side-desk project started as part of innovation lab, this tool focuses on reducing the manual efforts pertaining to Change Request Life Cycle Management (like CR approvals, closures, view, create, copy). This project was initiated in order to foster collaboration, increase consistency, reduce duplication of effort and ensure compliance to all processes thus improving and innovating the DevOps Tooling in the organization. Also supports seamless integration with Jira, Confluence and chat applications like Symphony & Slack. This tool is now widely used across the organization.

GPB Smart portfolio analytics (Enterprise Engineering Programme):

(June 2020 - November 2020)

In Global Private Banking, it is a commonplace for data analytics tools to be used across customer portfolios in order to perform customer segmentation, turn data into insights and provide personalized offers. As a part of the Enterprise Engineering Programme this small project requires us to create a working prototype of the analytics tool using data science technology.

Profit,Loss & Sensitivity for Fixed Income Products:

(June 2016 - December 2017)

Hedging is used to reduce the risk of adverse price movements in an asset class by taking an offsetting position in a related asset. This project deals with calculating PnL for the portfolio and it’s sensitivity like Delta Risk, Beta Risk etc.